Last weekend was amazing. I have truckloads of fun, especially spending time with the people i love.
So the Month of May for me is a challenging month of me. Challenging because i had to spent and save at the same time, but its okay, for me i don't mind how much it came out as long as the people i love happy, that's all that matters, i will be even more happier too.
It was the fiance's birthday week. But we had a mini date on the birthdate itself that falls on a Monday. So Monday for us wasn't mundane at all. We had the time to ourselves as in going to MBS like some kind of tourist when we are actually locals. Lols!
We went to ICE ART Museum. The best place ever, love it. I don't mind the cold and how colder it gets. They provide us jackets, gloves. I wore it outside the room but the moment i step in, i took it off and yes, the fiance had to borrow mine and wear double. Lol! But it's pretty fun actually experiencing it. Especially spending the tickets on a special day it's hell more worth it. As we don't really spend that much time with each other lately due to our year end project(ahem!), least it was quite a natural way of bonding and having the best time spent worth together.

Then next stop, we walked all the way to the ART science museum, had a great dinosaur feel experience. Museum on a Monday is awesome because there was no crowd at all. You can literally count the number of people inside the gallery. Throughout they make us explore our creativity but coloring a sheet of dinosaur and a bird kinda thing, and it's actually to make a shadow puppet, we added color just to lighten it up. Chey. Mine was the obvious purple and green because BARNEY the dinosaur was an idol of mine during my childhood years and the birthday boy had to color the paper bird thingy yellow and blue, more like a DESPICABLE ME feel. HAHA! LOLS!, although its tiring enough to walk inside a big gallery(ART SCIENCE MUSEUM IS DAMN BIG), we still manage not only to have fun and also learnt few things about the extinct dino's. Okay, should stop abt Dinosaur before i keep blabering out more of Dinosaurs stuff like maciam some kind of Dinosaur Expert. JOKE~

Lastly, we ended our night having our dinner spread at 21 on Rajah. OK OK , i'll be honest with my point of view okay. Truthfully, carousel is the best food spread in Singapore to me but now the recent news that carousel is not halal and there goes Tiffany cafe is the highest rank for me, as for now. Everything at 21 on Rajah is halal, but you know, most of the food are similar to those buffet restaurants. They have sushi, mixed rice, desserts, cold salad, sashimi, spread of seafood - which to me it's pretty common. BUT, I felt so satisfied with 21 on Rajah is because of the Roast Beef with Brown Sauce. It was a huge BOMB because it was so delicious that we ate only that till food and didn't care about the other foods that were picked out. After that kena sound, "wait when get married, must cook like this" bleargh! Totally understand why, it's because the way the meat cooked was so tender, so beautiful looking and definitely smoothly goes into the stomach, it was a win-win thing for me - JUST THE ROAST BEEF. But for those first timers out there, no harm trying, who knows your taste of buffet spread is better then mine. Lols! It's 30++ per person / dinner.
So, if you want to spend time with your love ones, you can try going to these places. Some things are worth spending esp with the one you love and obviously on a very special day.
Till then, a very special dedication to my dearest fiance,
Happy 27th Birthday. The last year of being a single man, and insyallah may you are bless with all the wonderful and blissful things in life. Love you, old man! :)